Travel and Luggage Tips 行李整理篇 (Part 1)

Are you feeling annoyed with the small luggage yet many small-size belongings to be put into your small luggage?

If yes, this article is useful for you!

How to organize your luggage?
1) Put the larger and heavier items at the bottom, follow by small and lightweight items.
2) Wrap the fragile items with a cloth or towel and put them in the middle of the luggage.
3) Fill the luggage remaining space with rolled socks or towels.

1) 大的物品先装,重物置于下方,以利于搬运。
2) 易碎之物,用衣物或毛巾包裹。
3) 在行李空隙处塞入卷筒状的毛巾。

Tip 1: Shoes (鞋子)
Put your shoes into a shower cap.
Shower cap is easy to clean and it prevents the shoes from touching your clean clothes.

Tip 2: Socks (袜子)
Use a hair rubber band to strap the socks.
After strapped, squeeze the socks into your shoes or in the remaining space in the luggage.
This would save space and also prevent odour.

Tip 3: Clothes (衣服)Roll up the clothes instead of folding flat.
This way would save space and prevent the clothes from having wrinkles.

Tip 4: Bras and underwear (内衣裤)
Organize the bras by facing the same direction.
Fold and put the underwear into the bra’s cup, then wrap them in a *bag.
This would maintain the shape of the bras and also reduce the risk of bras deformed in the luggage.
* Unused shoe bag or new clothes’ bag.


Tip 5: Hair clips (头发夹)
Place the hair clips into an empty candy box. 

Tip 6: Belt
Curve the belt and put into a shirt collar.
This would hold up the shirt collar and also ensure that the belt does not bend.

Tip 7: Shaver
Clamp the razor head with a clip. Protect the blade and also prevent it from scratching the clothes.

Tip 8: Skin care and hair gel
Add a layer of plastic wrap between the bottle and the cap.
This would prevent liquid leakage.

Tip 9: Cosmetics
A small amount of cosmetic can be placed in the old contact lenses box.

Tip 10: Power cords (电源线) 
All power cords are wrapped and put in an unused spectacle box.

Information above are extracted from other websites.
Kindly inform me if there are privacy issues.



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